Welcome to Domino Foundation!

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Welcome to Domino Foundation!

We found Domino Foundation after adopting our first son, Dominic, and he is the inspiration for the name. When you look at a domino, you see a white background with black dots. This represents our children’s experience: they are Black and Brown growing up in a very White world. Likewise, when you stand up a line of dominoes, once one tumbles the rest follow suit. As we reach out and connect with others, we create a chain of dominoes that can travel all the way to real change in society and the home.

What we discovered is that transracial adoption parents and families like ours needed education, support, and social opportunities to learn about race, adoption, difference, prejudice, and the challenges we face from birth to adulthood of our children. We focused the Domino Foundation on providing just this type of support–helping the transracial adoption community learn how to navigate race and racism while also learning how to support the trauma inherent within adoption.

This has turned into a life’s work for us and our family. It is a lot of work to pull off Domino events, but the reward is endless as we connect family-to-family, parent-to-parent, and child-to-child with the awareness and supports they need to survive let alone thrive. We hope you will join us at our annual Holiday Open House with our favorite Black Santa and Mrs. Claus; or spend time with us at the annual Domino Camp; or learn with us as we launch the Domino Podcast featuring adult transracial adoptees; or support us as we hold the first annual Adult Transracial Adoptee Retreat.

Your support is deeply appreciated and your participation is sincerely loved. Thanks for your support and we look forward to seeing you at the next Domino event!

Curtis & Melody Linton and family
Co-founders and Executive Directors
Domino Foundation

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